Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday 16:00 - 18:30
The Hauts-de-France Automotive Cluster is a regional cluster representing the 1st Automotive region in France: Hauts-de-France. In numbers it represents:
- 7 production sites (Renault, PSA, Toyota) ;
- 700.000+ vehicles produced in 2017 ;
- 55.000 people working in the Automotive Industry;
- 450 Automotive companies, mainly SMEs;
The cluster coordinates the regional Automotive actions and consists of 180 members: OEMs, SMEs (80%), Research Institutes.
Actions are led toward 5 objectives :
- Develop a Regional common Strategy;
- Strenghten the Hauts-de-France’s attractivity;
- Develop Research and Innovation projects;
- Bring together the economic and academic actors;
- Develop the automotive sector with multiples projects;
These objectives are realised in a framework composed of 5 pillars:
- Competitivity;
- Employment and formation;
- Financing;
- Innovation;
- Internationalisation;
The cluster is connected with the Regional Automotive association, linked with other French regions through the National Automotive Platform and member of several European networks.
Organization Type
CityFamars, 180 rue Joseph-Louis Lagrange Google map
European project
The cluster and its members are looking for lead project partners on European projects on the following fields: Automotive; Factory 4.0; Environment; Industrialization